Lessons learned

Further was the name of my old walking stick.. “Further” was written on the top with Sharpee. Every time I was getting ready to quit, I would look at the that word and continue on.  “Further”.  That is what I hope to do with these lessons.

LESSON ONE:     We are all mortal.  We will all eventually die. Maybe today? So live your live as a celebration, but with a sense of urgency. Don’t waste time.

LESSON TWO:  Be grateful for what you have. There are always people less fortunate than yourself. Appreciate what life has to offer.

LESSON THREE:  To accomplish something, ; work hard, never quit, and take one day at a time.

LESSON FOUR: Be Forgiving,  Don’t hold a grudge, it only hurts both of you.

LESSON FIVE: Help Others. Giving is living. Charity is the gift that keeps on giving (to the recipient and giver).  Pay forward (your good deed will be like a seed that grows many others).